Safety Material for the Trucking Industry January 2019
A Kit to Fit a Freezin' Season
Fog, ice, wind, rain, and snow make winter driving hazardous and slow. But with careful preparation you can keep safe and warm in any situation. To avoid the weather’s frosty grip, pack a survival kit for your trip. Pack a kit with items in the following tips.
The FMCSA’s Removal of the Diabetes Exemption for Interstate Truck Drivers
A recent rule change from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) now allows truck drivers with properly-controlled insulin-treated diabetes mellitus (ITDM) to operate an interstate commercial motor vehicle (CMV) without having to get a Federal exemption. The rule change enables certified medical examiners to begin granting medical cards to truck drivers who provide them an assessment form (MCSA-5870) from their treating healthcare professionals within 45 days. The insulin diabetic driver must have a clear understanding of their disease, and the signs and symptoms to watch for that would impair driving. The form must show that the driver’s ITDM is under stable, proper control without any disqualifying factors:
If you don't know about issues at your customers or suppliers, then you can't work with them to prevent injuries. Hang this poster where drivers will be reminded to keep you in the loop.
Safety climate is the new catch phrase in occupational safety circles. But what is it? And what does it mean to your company? Find out in this training:
This course teaches prevention of common upper extremities due to improperly lowering of a landing gear. See which body position is best to avoid an injury.
The Trucking Injury Reduction Emphasis (TIRES) project was developed by the Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention (SHARP) program of Washington's Department of Labor and Industries.
The Trucking Injury Reduction Emphasis (TIRES) project team and the TIRES steering committee are working with the Washington State trucking industry to identify causes for the most frequent injuries to develop effective strategies for preventing them. Free safety training materials are available at
The TIRES steering committee is made up of a diverse group of professionals that includes: drivers, safety people from large and small trucking companies, labor and business associations, insurers and a representative from a publicly funded truck driving school.
Funded in part by a grant from CDC NIOSH 5 U60 OH 008487. The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC/NIOSH.