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TIRES (Trucking Injury Reduction Emphasis) Idea Bank - Search for Ideas:




SHARP staff have reviewed the ideas listed on the Ideas Bank page to make sure they are consistent with the general practice of risk reduction. Ideas are included at the sole discretion of the TIRES project. TIRES does not endorse any commercial product found on this site or guarantee that the ideas on this site will eliminate hazards identified in the transportation industry. Employers and employees should work together to make certain the ideas they implement in their workplace meet the applicable requirements.

SHARP Program | Department of Labor & Industries | PO Box 44330 | Olympia, Washington 98504-4330

Phone: 1-888-667-4277

Sector Problem Description Online Resource
1 Food and Beverage Service Hand Truck on Incline Addition of brake on hand truck increases control on walk boards www.globalindustrial.com
2 Food and Beverage Service Hand Truck on Incline Addition of brake on hand truck increases control on walk boards www.handtrucksrus.com
3 Food and Beverage Service Hand Truck Use Negotiating curbs www.moversupply.com
4 Food and Beverage Service Slip Trip or Fall Install a system to store hand truck www.handtrucksystems.com
5 General Freight No Truck Step Lights Lighting for steps when door is opened www.raneystruckparts.com
6 General Freight No Truck Step Lights Lighting for steps when door is opened www.class8truckparts.com/Volvo
7 General Freight Hand Truck on Incline Addition of brake on hand truck increases control on walk boards www.globalindustrial.com
8 General Freight Hand Truck on Incline Addition of brake on hand truck increases control on walk boards www.handtrucksrus.com
9 General Freight Coordinate With Co-worker Web Site Partner/team moves, where miscommunication can cause an injury www.hse.gov.uk
10 General Freight Coordinate With Co-worker Guide in PDF Format for Partner/team moves, where miscommunication can cause an injury www.hse.gov.uk
11 General Freight No Loading Dock available Equip a portion of your fleet with liftgates www.liftgate.com
12 General Freight Raise and Lower Landing Gear Reduce back and shoulder injury with ratchet type of handle crank www.cmworks.com
13 General Freight Slip Trip or Fall Install a system to store hand truck www.handtrucksystems.com
14 Less than Truck Load Raise or Lower Landing Gear Mechanized method reduces forceful exertions www.hydraulicfifthwheels.com
15 Less than Truck Load Raise and Lower Landing Gear Reduce back and shoulder injury with ratchet type of handle crank www.cmworks.com
16 Less than Truck Load Hand Truck Use Negotiating curbs www.moversupply.com
17 Moving and Storage Carry Household Goods Reduce back bending www.gripsystem.com
18 Moving and Storage Carry Household Goods Allows movement of appliance across flat surface, no need to pick it up www.airsled.co
19 Moving and Storage Hand Truck Use Control of loaded hand truck on walk board www.globalindustrial.com
20 Moving and Storage Coordinate With Co-worker Web Site Partner/team moves, where miscommunication can cause an injury www.hse.gov.uk/msd/mac
21 Moving and Storage Coordinate With Co-worker Guide In PDF Format for Partner/team moves, where miscommunication can cause an injury www.hse.gov.uk/pubns
22 Moving and Storage Negotiating curbs Control of loaded hand truck when trying to go over a curb can cause an injury www.moversupply.com
23 Specialized Freight No Truck Step Lights Lighting for steps when door is opened www.class8truckparts.com/Volvo
24 Specialized Freight No Truck Step Lights Lighting for steps when door is opened www.raneystruckparts.com/interior-lighting
25 Specialized Freight Raise and Lower Landing Gear Reduce back and shoulder injury with ratchet type of handle crank www.cmworks.com
26 Waste Hauling Strain or Sprain Food waste at grocery or institutional level is transformed to light weight organic compound. Less weight equals less stress on body. www.superiorequipco.com
27 Waste Hauling Strain or Sprain Manage waste at point of generation www.wastecare.com
28 Waste Disposal Move Solid Waste Reduce Back Bending www.switchngo.com

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